I turned 35 last Friday, Oct. 29. I wasn't expecting much to happen, but I had an awesome birthday! Solana made me a banner that said "happy birthday to Anita" with each letter on it's own piece of paper, taped to a string. And she made me a card, but she makes me several cards every day anyway! David gave me a new motorcycle jacket, helmet, and gloves. That was fun, since I've always used hand-me-down gear that was too big. Now I just have to find the time away from the kids to go for a ride! I did get some time away from Lotus while she napped, and my sister called my on Skype! Haven't talked to her since they moved to Albania, so that was special. In the evening we went to Oatland Island wildlife center for their Halloween Hike. Solana dressed up as a witch, with purple hair under her hat that I sewed in there, David was a vampire, with red contact lenses, and I was Rainbow Rainbow (Solana's idea). Lotus wore her regular clothes. It was fun watching Solana have a blast. She got a balloon animal, watched a magic show, trick-or-treated along the trail from people in costumes, went on a hay ride and played in a bounce house. Then we went home and David stayed with the kids while I went out for some kid-free time! I love my kids, but since I am always with them, it's fun to get away once in a while. The next day David gave me a cake and 3 flavors of sorbet and we had a little coffee party. It was just the two of us; the kids didn't even want any. I feel happy and refreshed. Thank you to everyone who sent me cards, emails, and phone calls!