Long time no post! We were away from home for almost 3 weeks, on a cruise with David's family. Ed and Annake celebrated their 40th anniversary and took us and Karen's family on a 14 day cruise from Ft. Lauderdale to San Diego via the Panama canal. We spent 2 nights in Florida before the cruise; 2 nights in San Diego after the cruise, and 1 more night in Florida on our way home. I didn't want to come home, except to do laundry. Solana really enjoyed traveling also, although she missed her friends. Lotus was quite the spectacle on the ship; our two kids were the only ones on the ship under the age of 9. Anyway, it was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here are some pictures, with more to come.

Solana took this picture, hence the angle.

on the ship

Cartagena, Colombia


Great pics!!! I'm glad you guys had such a great time! Funny - Terry was in Cartagena too, I wonder if he was there the same time you were??? I love the first picture - David looks even taller because of the angle :-)